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How HubSpot can help you sell more?

HubSpot  is a platform that offers multiple functionalities that help to sell more and better. Do you want to know how to sell more with HubSpot  and what are its practical advantages? No problem, in this article you will know them in detail.

How to sell more with HubSpot: useful tips to achieve it

As a general principle, you have to remember that  HubSpot  is software with different variants and that it integrates with other tools. Therefore, the possibilities will vary depending on the version you contract (Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, CMS Hub and Operations Hub). That being said, there are some common elements that will help you sell more. Are these: 

1.- Structure your database well to sell more with HubSpot

The first thing to do is  structure your database well , and for this you have to be clear about who you are interested in having. Therefore, you will have to check that there is no duplicate information, that what is there is correct, and that the names fit your target. And, of course, you can request the renewal of the consent if you need it. Remember that, without good information, it is impossible to sell more, so this is basic.

2.- Create landing pages to facilitate conversion

The landing page is a contact page that is very useful for capturing leads, without which it is impossible to convert. One of the advantages of the  HubSpot software is that it contemplates this possibility as a complement to other options. Therefore, if you have worked well in other areas, you are interested in having her.

3.- Control the different phases of the sales funnel

Inbound Marketing tools , integrated with other elements, allow you to control the different phases of the funnel or sales funnel. You are interested in knowing at what point each contact is in order to work on it better. And if this is important in B2C sales, in B2B it becomes essential. Correctly monitoring each phase and offering what is necessary is the way to increase the conversion rate. 

4.- Take advantage of automation to communicate

The ability to send automated emails is another advantage of working with HubSpot , and  email marketing  continues to be the most converting method. In fact, for every euro invested, between 35 and 40 are recovered.

Why such good results this technique? First, because you can communicate in a massive way simultaneously. Secondly, because it is possible to send automatic emails to each person depending on the point or stage of the sales funnel they are at. And thirdly, because it is a way of saving money and resources that you can focus on generating value. 

Therefore, and without disdaining the phone, this is a good  lead generation and conversion method that you should consider. 

5.- Segment your leads

With this software you can easily segment your leads, and do it by different criteria. It is not a secret that there are better quality leads than others, while not all of them are at the same point of the sales funnel or have the same commercial interest. With this software you will be able to make an appropriate segmentation in order to increase the sales rate. 

6.- Follow up on your clients

HubSpot's CRM  allows  you to keep track of your customers. Not in vain, in addition to the contact information, you will have a history of interactions and billing. This will help you to know what their preferences are, average ticket and, in this way, adapt your commercial offer to their needs. In short, it improves the commercial function. 

Selling more with HubSpot is possible because this software offers multiple possibilities. At  PGR Marketing & Tecnología  we help you choose the tool that works best for you to convert more and we take care of implementing it. Contact us  to learn more about our services !

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