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Video marketing for your business. Part 1: Types of videos

Engaging customers through the use of video increasingly requires a clear understanding of what types of content to create and how to tailor your videos for different delivery platforms.

In the next few articles, we're going to try to help you create videos that stand out from the competition. Our goal is for you to learn about the different types of video marketing content and how to develop a plan to create it.

What do we understand by video marketing

Video marketing is the technique of incorporating video content into our marketing channels to attract customers and get their attention to our products or services.

Marketers offer video content through their website, social networks and traditional advertising media. Video content can be distributed organically to attract the attention of active customers, or through paid media to attract new potential customers.

With the tools available today, video marketing  is within the reach of any budget, however, it is important to be well aware of the different uses for each type of video content that can be created.

Fifteen years ago, video marketing was limited to ads on film or television, but today there are countless platforms that accept it, from TikTok to YouTube, and it is used for many purposes.

Types of videos

1- Educational videos


Educational videos are used to demonstrate to viewers how to carry out any task related to their daily work or industry.

These types of videos are very helpful in attracting customers because they provide more value to customers than just an advertisement for your product and solution.

For example, a video showing how to carry out a day-to-day task for your target audience will be useful and will place your brand as an expert in the mind of your client, before you send them a commercial offer.

2- Informative videos


Informative videos bring relevant data or news about your sector to your audience, leaving aside the explanation of specific cases of use of your products or solutions.

These types of videos reinforce confidence in your knowledge of the sector, and this is important to later be able to offer your products.

3- Product videos


A product video talks about a product or solution and works like a traditional ad. Show what features it offers and how it can help your customer. In addition, they contain an introduction to the brand, to explain why they can trust us. Product videos are ideal for paid marketing because they show a relevant audience why your product is the right solution for their specific needs.

4- Brand videos

Branded videos showcase a company's culture and values. These videos often have messages similar to a company's “About” page or its mission statement.

For example, we can show how our brand cares about the environment or diversity.

5-Video testimonials

A testimonial video features a customer explaining why they like and use your product or solution. You can record and post this content yourself, or upload it as user-generated content.

User-generated content is not always positive. Sometimes customers give negative reviews. These cases can be used as an opportunity to comment on the video and solve the problems exposed.

Take advantage and share contact information, so they can follow up with you on their issues.

At PGR, we offer you our video marketing service so that you do not become obsolete. Get updated with us!

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