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Radical change in SEO: Rethinking fundamentals in the era of artificial intelligence

The arrival of artificial intelligence (AI) to the field of search engine optimization (SEO) is causing a radical change in how brands should approach their SEO strategies . This transformation not only affects technical and content tactics, but redefines the very nature of what it means to optimize for search engines.

In the age of AI, brands must reconsider their SEO fundamentals to stay competitive and relevant.

From keywords to user intents

Traditionally, SEO has focused on optimizing for specific keywords to rank well in search results. However, with AI's ability to understand and process natural language more effectively, the focus is shifting toward understanding user intent. This means that brands must develop content that not only includes certain keywords, but actually answers users' questions and needs. According to a Google report, 70% of searches now use natural language processing to capture the intent behind queries, underscoring the importance of adapting content to these new dynamics .

Quality and user experience

Content quality and user experience are more crucial than ever. Google and other search engines are using AI to evaluate content quality in more sophisticated ways, considering factors such as content authority, user experience, and overall site relevance. This means that SEO tactics that focused primarily on content quantity or forced keyword insertion are becoming obsolete. Instead, well-researched, well-written, and deeply informative content is rewarded.

Personalization and segmentation

With the help of AI, personalization and segmentation become more advanced and accessible. Brands can now personalize the search experience for different user segments based on behavioral data and predicted preferences. This ability to personalize not only improves the user experience, but also increases the likelihood of conversion and loyalty. A Salesforce study revealed that 52% of consumers expect personalized offers when interacting with a brand, demonstrating the demand for more personalized search experiences.

Technical SEO and data structures

Technical SEO is also evolving with the integration of AI. Data structures, indexing, and interpretation of user signals are becoming more complex and automated. Brands need to ensure that their websites are not only technically sound, but also optimized to be easily interpreted and used by AI algorithms. This includes properly implementing structured data, improving site speed, and optimizing for mobile devices.

The age of artificial intelligence demands a fundamental reevaluation of SEO strategies . Brands that understand and adapt to these changes, prioritizing content quality, user experience and personalization, will be better positioned to succeed in an AI-dominated search landscape. The key is to embrace technology and use it to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the content offered to users.

Do you want to start applying AI in marketing? At PGR Marketing & Technology we have experts who can help you achieve this.