Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized society in the last year and, specifically, has altered Digital Marketing. Today, AI-based tools are used to write posts, manage customer queries, or forecast future demands, among other functions.
We present a summary of the main new features of the HubSpot marketing platform , the most powerful integrated tool on the market and with the resources you need to connect your marketing, sales, content management and customer service teams.
Artificial Intelligence has been talked about for years, but, above all, it was after the emergence of ChatGPT that it became popular within organizations. Programmers, advertisers, and professionals from various disciplines began to recognize the transformative potential of this technology in their respective fields. This has caused a term to be used, Business AI , to bring together everything that guides Artificial Intelligence to achieve business results.
In marketing, three acronyms - TOFU, MOFU and BOFU - stand as the keys to unravelling the buying process. From the initial visitor attraction (TOFU) to the point of lead-to-customer conversion (BOFU) to the stage in between (MOFU), these acronyms encapsulate the art of guiding the audience through a funnel, where the target audience is narrowed down.
For several years, the database sector has played a crucial role in the market. However, in recent years, it has experienced a remarkable boost, mainly driven by the growing prevalence of cloud solutions and the exponential increase in digital data. This phenomenon has marked a new era of expansion for the database industry, positioning it as a central element in the current technological evolution. But it's not just about having a lot of data; it's about knowing how to manage it. This is where databases come into play.