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How to take advantage of Generative AI to connect with customers?

In 2023, generative AI has brought about a revolution in many fields of our society and especially ChatGPT by OpenAI , a tool that is already used by 100 million active users.

The profiles that already use this innovation are those in the marketing and content creation areas, but those in the commercial area also use it more and more because they seek to optimize their sales strategies and improve interaction with customers.

Hubspot shows on its blog three examples of companies that have taken advantage of generative AI to focus more on the customer and from them we can see three benefits that it offers to connect more with customers.

The benefits of generative AI for the commercial and marketing sector

1.- Listen to the client and attend to their needs

In collaboration with advertising agency Ayzenberg, generative artificial intelligence was used to analyze the experiences and concerns of players with female, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ identities in gaming communities. The survey revealed that 70% of respondents had experienced toxic behavior in games. The integration of GPT made it easier to synthesize information and identify specific audience segments. Despite the challenges, positive lessons were highlighted on how to address online toxicity. Generative AI will be used to understand, demonstrate and address toxic behaviors, with the goal of building more inclusive digital communities and preventing the loss of players and revenue opportunities for video game companies. This approach can be applied to any audience and topic.

2.- Redefine commercial campaigns aimed at specific audiences

An agency focused on Black consumers sought to gain new insights into the diversity of Black identity and shopping habits for its retail and brand clients. They addressed the challenges with traditional methods, such as closed surveys and focus groups, but did not obtain the expected results.

So they chose to launch studies on the Glimpse platform, using open-ended questions to obtain detailed data on the purchasing power and purchasing preferences of thousands of Black Americans.

The data obtained was used to align business strategies, create authentic campaigns and adapt shopper marketing initiatives to meet the needs of Black communities.

3.- Discover business opportunities

A prominent technology company and its venture capital department invested in a start-up that developed machine learning-based software and hardware for various industries through supply chains. The startup turned to Glimpse to shape its product and go-to-market strategy, recognizing the importance of understanding buyers' emotions and expectations around ML/AI-driven disruption.

Using Glimpse's platform, the company surveyed hundreds of ML/AI users and decision makers across different regions, exploring four opportunities to become more customer-centric through the power of artificial intelligence.

Why should you use generative AI in your customer-centric strategy?

1.- Greater agility

Generative AI enables an agile approach to social listening, constantly adapting strategies and provides the ability to test assumptions and adjust strategies regularly, improving ROI and connecting with customers.

2.- Monitoring over time

Generative AI detects emerging patterns and changes, enabling an “always on” approach to collecting and analyzing survey data.

Additionally, it uses valuable historical data to train models to address specific business challenges.

3.- Holistic approach

Generative AI is applied to various data sources to find patterns and develop insights and examines relationships between unstructured data, customer data, sales and surveys, allowing for a more comprehensive approach.

4.- Orientation towards the Future

Adopting generative AI is essential for a customer-centric strategy.

Team processes and structures evolve toward continuous, iterative approaches to learning about key business audiences and adapting to new trends.

Do you want to start taking advantage of generative AI? Trust PGR Marketing & Technology and very soon we will be working together.