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How to create the perfect Social Media campaign

The use of social networks for marketing campaigns is an industry standard that has been established for many years and is one of the foundations, today, for the marketing activity of any company.

Creating an effective social media campaign can raise our status as a company and increase results exponentially, which is why companies must have a campaign structure on social networks that suits their needs and objectives, as well as those of your competition. In this article, we will discuss 6 key aspects to build the perfect promotion campaign on Social Networks.

Establish objectives

Before we start with the creation of the content, we must establish the parameters to be able to specify the content of the campaign. To do this, we must establish the objectives of the campaign. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and temporary.

If this sounds familiar to you, it is because we are talking about the well-known SMART objectives, essential for any type of campaign. Setting the objectives is how we can shape the Social Media campaign, as well as we can mark the KPIs to be able to monitor the progress of our promotion efforts.

Writing the Perfect Social Media Post: What the Best Posts Have in Common

Each Social Network is different, so defining the specific characteristics that define a post as excellent for any platform or situation is not optimal for creating posts that are attractive to people who interact with our content. However, we can define certain good practices that define whether we have created the campaign based on our objectives, which determine success much better. Using studies based on data provided by experts from the Quintly platform, a tool used to monitor data in SM, it has been determined that on the social networks Facebook and Instagram the posts that collect the most interactions share the following characteristics:

  • The texts in the posts contain around 50 characters.
  • The use of emojis is moderate on Facebook, being the posts with 1 to 3 emojis the ones that collect the most interactions, on Instagram this characteristic is also true, but the use of emojis can be much more flexible, where the data shows that the posts with +10 emojis collect more interactions even than posts with 1 to 3 emojis.
  • The use of hashtags must be restrictive and limited to only those hashtags that are relevant to the campaign. It is recommended to use a maximum of 1 to 3 hashtags.
  • Despite the fact that most of the publications are made during the week, the contents receive much more interactions during the weekend. That is why it is advisable to carry out the publication of content during the weekend.
  • Videos and images are ways of generating interaction that are considered relevant depending on the type of campaigns we are carrying out, however, the Social Media Algorithm values ​​the publication of different types of content, so the use of videos and images must be done sporadically on Facebook and Instagram.

Why focusing on engagement is the best strategy

The trends at the level of interaction in SM are getting closer and closer to the direct interaction of the brand with the user. The accounts and brands that receive the most attention on social networks are those that have a direct relationship with their own customers, this is due to the fact that maintaining positive interactions with them on Social Media opens the possibility for them to share those interactions on their own page. And, therefore, your followers see those satisfactory exchanges with us and follow us too, becoming potential customers. Therefore, when creating a Social Media campaign, it is a good idea to maintain constant interaction with our followers, either directly or indirectly.

In addition to that, the Social Media platforms themselves reward high engagement rates: the more likes, shares and comments we have on our posts, the better organic positioning they will get in the feed and, therefore, the more people will see our content.

That is why focusing on engagement allows us to improve the reach of our campaigns.

How to improve interaction and boost engagement

Ideally, respond early and in short time intervals to create momentum and make collecting feedback easier. When a user responds to our brand (especially if he seeks attention to a problem), we must be there to help him, before the problem gets out of hand. But how do we do this? The answer is in Social Listening. We need to keep up with the interactions we receive on our social media, so we can respond appropriately and keep up with the interactions we receive to ensure we don't fall behind in the feedback we receive.

Social Media monitoring can be carried out using different tools to control when someone or any keyword that we want to keep under control has mentioned to us. These tools ensure that we do not lose the small details in the sea of ​​interactions that a company can have in the process. Space of time of a campaign in Social Media.

Working with influencers is another great way to boost your brand engagement rate. Carrying out collaborations with figures that have an impact in the world of SM allows you to reach your audience directly, since your followers will use your word to recommend your product and in this way we can improve our brand image. The way to reach influencers is to approach those who speak of the same social message as us and negotiate with them in case they are interested in carrying out a collaboration.

Learn from the competition

Focusing exclusively on the competition is a dynamic that we do not want to carry out because it is counterproductive, but it is important to take a look at the way in which they interact with their followers to improve our communication strategies on social networks, learning from their failures and successes in the field of social media interaction.

How to monitor campaigns in RRSS

We will evaluate the social performance of our campaigns keeping in mind the following key points:

  • We will control the posts that have performed best in the relevant time periods for our campaigns, both our own and those of our competitors.
  • We will identify key moments during the duration of the campaign that have influenced the outcome of the campaign, as well as keep track of the way in which influential figures and platforms are talking about us at the time of the campaign.
  • We will carry out a review of the general response to the campaign once we start it as first contact and when we have finished it.
  • Make use of the brand's own hashtags to create conversation channels focused on our product, campaign and/or brand.
  • Measure the key metrics based on the campaign that we are carrying out, this includes volume, reach, countries in which it is impacting, language, among others.
  • Make use of monitoring tools in Social Media.

All this with the aim of optimizing subsequent campaigns.

Finally, and as a final piece of advice, it is important to separate the content that we publish on social networks, making sure that it is different on each platform that we use, but also within the platform itself it is important to upload different types of content since the algorithms of the platforms of RRSS prioritize, when positioning our brand in the people's feed, that the content that we upload in networks is varied both in format and in the text that accompanies the publications.

At PGR, we offer Community Manager Services and Social Network management, especially focused on B2B companies in the ICT Sector.

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