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How many visits should my website have?

If you manage a website, you've probably spent time creating and optimizing a marketing strategy to drive traffic to your website. But how many visitors should you aim to get to your website? This is a crucial question that countless website owners ask themselves every day. The answer is not simple, since to answer it you should take into account different considerations.

You should ask yourself what the average number of visitors is to the websites in your sector, define what is considered an optimal number of visitors in your industry and set a goal based on factors such as the market in which you operate, the size of your company and user satisfaction. From there, you can develop a strategic plan to achieve that specific goal.

How do you know how many visits your website should have?

But knowing how many visitors a website should receive is complicated, since in an environment with 1.9 billion websites it is impossible to provide an exact number or even a range to accurately answer this question. However, there are data and tools available to help you estimate the number of visitors a website in your industry should have .

To understand customer behavior, starting with pure numbers can be a good starting point. According to a recent HubSpot web traffic analysis report, only 31% of websites receive more than 50,000 unique visitors per month, around 50% have 4-6 page views per visit, and the main source of traffic is direct. (22%), among other data. Additionally, they surveyed more than 400 web traffic analysts in the United States to obtain information on metrics such as monthly traffic, bounce rate, click rate, and strategies used to rank websites on engine results pages. and when asked how many total visitors the website they track receives monthly, most answered between 1,001 and 15,000 visitors.

What do visits to a web page depend on?

The origin of visitors to a company's website depends on many factors such as the size of the company, the frequency of publication or the age of the website.

1.- Size of the company

According to HubSpot 's survey of web traffic analysts, the number of employees at a company is related to the number of visitors to its website, but having more employees does not necessarily guarantee more visitors.

Larger companies tend to receive more visitors, but some smaller companies also achieve high levels of visits.

2.- Publication frequency

Regardless of the size of the company, visits to a website also depend on the frequency of content publication. This way, the less you publish, the fewer visitors you receive per month and vice versa. For example, 36% of sites that publish multiple times a day get between 1,000 and 15,000 monthly visitors. Additionally, only sites that post multiple times a day get more than 10 million monthly visitors in total.

3.- Age of the company

According to HubSpot data, the age of a website correlates with the number of monthly visitors. Sites that have been around for more than 10 years receive between 250,001 and 10 million and more than 10 million monthly visitors in total.

However, being older does not always mean more visitors. For example, about 34% of sites that have been around for 7 to 9 years get between 50,001 and 250,000 total monthly visitors, while only 29% of websites that have been around for more than 10 years do so.

All of these factors will help you determine the visits your page needs to reach. But, as you have seen by reading the article, this is not an easy matter to know. What is clear is that to increase visits to your website you have to follow a specific strategy and establish an action plan.

At PGR Marketing & Tecnología we can help you obtain the visits you need to grow in sales.

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