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Content plan: how to create it to achieve results

Find out how to improve the results of your online marketing activities and the best way to target your audience.

Why do you need a content plan?

One of the keys to any marketing strategy is creating content on a regular basis. Planning it helps your team collaborate when creating and sharing content.

A content plan that works is one that helps you know what to write about, drive traffic, and convert it into sales. A successful piece of content can earn your action in the long run.

To achieve your business objectives, you require a content plan that allows you to budget the price of your actions or correctly size the necessary resources in digital marketing. The content plan will show you what you will need to develop and share your content, and thus avoid unnecessary costs or surprises.

Another aspect to take into account is not to confuse a content plan with a content strategy. Many marketers come up with a content strategy and think they don't need anything else, when in reality they are different things.

While the content strategy deals with your different marketing objectives and how to achieve them, the content plan defines the resources and data necessary to achieve the objectives that you have proposed in your strategy, such as the editorial calendar. The content plan will help you research, create, publish and monitor your content. In short, the content plan contains all the steps to follow in the creation process.

The content plan will be and work differently in each company, but they all include some common elements, and one of them is the situation analysis. The first step to developing a good content plan is to be clear about these six aspects:

1- Who is it for?


The first action you'll need to take to create content pieces that get results, even before deciding on the channel, is to figure out who your audience is. To do this, you must collect all the data you can about your customers and investigate their motivations. A market study allows you to collect this data that you need, Google Analytics can also help you in this task. Select the “audience” report to obtain information about the age, gender, education, and interests of the person who will read to you.

Knowing what interests your current consumer is the best way to choose the content that you are going to provide them. If your customers appear in the “affinity category” of motorcycles, you know that you can prepare content that includes motorcycles.

Not all content is suitable for all channels. Remember that if you are offering your content in email, social networks and blog, your content plan should include the different types of audience suitable for each one.

 2- In which channel or channels are you going to publish it?


Research where your audience spends the most time. To do this, you can use the tool

To find this information, you can use Semrush's Traffic Analytics tool . This tool offers you information organized in tables about the number of visits they receive, which marketing channels are driving traffic and from which countries. It also allows you to know the sites your users visit when they leave your website, which will help you understand which competitors are causing you to lose traffic.

3-What problems does your content solve?


Good content not only manages to reach your audience, but also encourages them to take an action that allows them to show them the benefits they can obtain with certain products or services. So you must ask yourself what concerns your customers face in their day to day and how your products or services can help them solve them.

In the market, you can find several research tools that will help you to understand the questions that users ask about your industry and your products, such as the Google Keyword Planner or the SemRush Keyword Magic tool.

These tools generate questions, related topics, and the type of content based on the keywords you enter, which will help you identify and analyze content that works well with your customers.

4- How will you communicate your message?


Your content must take into account your audience, the message, and the platform.

Most likely, your investigation of how it turned out that you should include different types of formats. See what types of content work well in each of your marketing channels. What is read the most, your blog posts, your emails? Are emails more popular than download content? Use the data obtained about the interests and favorite channels of your customers, as well as any traffic sources that you have detected in your research. Your content plan should include text content, video, images, etc. depending on the channel.

5- How will you create the content? 


Once you have planned who your content is going to be for, where it is going to be published, what message it is going to have and its format, it is time to schedule when you are going to create it. Creating and publishing your content is the final step to getting results.

In addition to figuring out who is going to be responsible for creating the content and how, you need to know how and where you are going to publish it.

It's important to plan these steps to manage your team's budget, workload, and workflow. This way, you make sure that the content is published at the right time to get interactions and leads.

6- How is your offer different from that of your competitors?


Your competitors are creating content about their products and services. This forces you to explain to your clients why your solution is better than theirs and not just offer your solution or product as if it were one more. Explain what your product does that might be considered different or better. Put your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) to work to explain to your audience the added value of your offer.

Count on us as the leading Marketing Agency for B2B companies in the ICT Sector. We will help you implement a personalized Content Marketing strategy for your company. 

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