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5 keys to an Inbound Marketing strategy

Surely you have heard many times about Inbound Marketing or Attraction Marketing. In our post What is Inbound Marketing? We explain that Inbound Marketing is a set of non-intrusive Marketing techniques that aim to capture leads and convert them into customers, through the generation of valuable content and through a mix of Digital Marketing actions such as SEO, SEM, Marketing of Contents, diffusion in social networks, Blog, Email Marketing and web analytics. All this in combination with the ultimate goal of generating sales, loyalty and business growth.

The 5 main keys to an Inbound Marketing strategy

As we have mentioned, Inbound Marketing is mainly based on the generation of valuable content for the prospect. However, the Inbound does not live on content alone. It is essential that this content is positioned correctly so that the prospect can find it when they need it. That is why it is so important to take into account these 5 keys within your Inbound Marketing strategy.

  • Content creation:

Content should be created based on the information requires that a potential customer may have. Of course, this content must be related to the B2B services or solutions that your company offers.

These contents must be attractive to the buyer persona and, of course, meet what the prospect is looking for. For content to be of value, it must address customer questions and needs. When we talk about content, we mean not only text, but also landing pages, videos, podcasts, webinars, etc.

  • Diffusion and viralization:

Social networks are an ideal space for the dissemination and viralization of content in an Inbound Marketing strategy. We communicate and interact directly with our target group, be it prospect or client. We must take advantage of the ease of spreading messages on social networks, getting users or other companies to share our content. The main social networks related to the B2b sector are LinkedIn and Twitter.

  •  Personalization :

Personalization is key within an Inbound strategy . It's critical to understand that people go through different stages of their buying journey as they interact with your business. Each stage requires different Marketing actions and specific content. The more knowledge we have of the prospects, the more opportunity we will have to personalize the messages and content they receive.

At this point Lead Scoring and Lead Nurturing come into action, Marketing automation techniques with which we can assess our prospects or leads with a score table, classify them, define a workflow to automate the delivery of subsequent content associated with their interests and specify which ones are closest to becoming customers, and if they are already customers, the opportunity is to discover new needs, diversify or deepen the relationship.

  • Analytics:

 An Inbound strategy has to close its circuit with conversions – sales –.

Throughout the Inbound strategy we have achieved awareness and notoriety, that our brand, products, or services are there, where the buyer personas look for us. However, we do nothing with this effort if we do not analyze it.

Inbound Marketing requires a detailed analytics process. By analyzing our Inbound Marketing actions, we obtain very valuable information that will help us identify which campaigns are working best, which content generates the most interest, which landings are getting more or less registrations, which solutions or services are receiving more traffic, etc. With well-analyzed and parameterized data, we can make reports that will allow us to understand the situation to make better decisions and increase conversions.

If you want to know more about how Inbound Marketing can help you and how it fits into your company's strategies, consult our experts without obligation.

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