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5 disruptive proposals to improve your B2B face-to-face events

Today we want to show you 5 ways to break with the traditional agenda of a B2B face-to-face event , which will allow you to increase registrations and satisfy attendees.

In reality, when preparing the agenda for a B2B event , we are trying to make attractive those topics that we want to develop when in reality we know that they are not always so. So, we are going to try to break with some traditions.

In recent years, we have been experimenting and running events through trial and error because we did not have experience in developing engaging events using online platforms and tools, in hybrid formats, and in the inclusion of video. The challenge of attracting remote participants and workers was added to the need to provide our events on demand, at the time and date that best suits each participant.

From all this experimentation with hybrid eventsand virtual we have been able to extract valuable learning that will serve us for face-to-face events. Beyond the old formulas, those responsible for organizing B2B face-to-face events must think of new structures and use the content in a way that maximizes the number of registered and attendees.

In Conferences less is always much more

According to studies carried out by the American consulting firm Impact Point Group on 16 events that took place between July and December 2022, despite the fact that it is recommended that the sessions do not exceed 45 minutes, the vast majority lasted between one and two hours.

Forty-five minutes is (or rather, should be) always enough to get across the key messages and themes. Of course, keeping speeches to a maximum of 45 minutes requires some discipline, but it is essential to keep attendees engaged and in their seats.

Includes motivational content

The key to the success of an event lies in the value that we are able to deliver to our attendees. Our clients like us to talk to them about how they can improve in the performance of their work, so we must explain to them how our services or products help them in their professional day-to-day. But if we only offer this type of content, we are missing opportunities. Developing agendas around our products or services related to job performance is necessary to get an audience. However, the key to amplifying core content sessions is to supplement them with aspirational content that goes beyond your immediate goals. We must include extreme success stories and overcoming related to your field of expertise. This type of content

Create a story around the event

Build a story arc that covers the entire event agenda to make it more exclusive and immersive. Take advantage of this storyline to create the image, decorate the venue where it takes place and create a unique experience for the participants. Think informational installations, panels, and interactive activities instead of sit-down talks. The fact that each participant experiences the story we have created in a different way is precisely what can turn our event into a transformative experience. Achieving this requires multiple layers of content and experiences. You also need to free attendees from a rigid schedule and encourage them to adopt a fluid and individualized attitude. While this flexible approach complicates event management,

The configuration of the spaces influences

Today, many in-person events are smaller and more focused than before the pandemic. Adapting the space to this reality is important. Lean for spaces where the rest and networking areas are larger and the rooms for smaller talks. While it may be counterintuitive, the reality is that extending transition and break times by 5 to 10 percent has been shown to help make the overall experience better and feel less transactional, especially if during these times of rest and networking we ensure access to experts and they are available at the same time.

Take networking to the highest level

Use all the time that participants give you from the time they walk in the door to the time they leave to display information and establish contact. All personnel, from the staff to the experts who must transmit knowledge must be available to be able to present comfortably and proactively in any social opportunity that appears. Providing space and time that facilitates connections turns face-to-face events into memorable experiences.

Contact us and request the organization of your next event. We take care of all the details.

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